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Holiday Self-Care: A Guide to Prioritizing Wellness Amidst the Bustle

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Written by BFH Staff Writer on December 13, 2023

Holiday Selfcare
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Holidays are synonymous with enjoyment, but did you know it is also the time when people experience added stress and anxiety?

During the traditional U.S. holiday season between November and January, nearly half of U.S. adults describe their stress levels as “moderate,” and approximately two in five individuals report an increase in stress compared to other times of the year.

A poll conducted by the American Psychiatric Association revealed that nearly a third of Americans forecast increased stress during the holiday season compared to the previous year. Concerns such as affording and finding holiday gifts, as well as the worry of contracting COVID-19 during gatherings, are some key contributors to holiday stress.

That is why medical professionals and psychologists focus on holiday self-care to ensure your well-being.

Self-care during the holidays means taking care of your mental, physical, and emotional health during this season. It’s important to remember that while the holidays can be joyous, they can also bring challenges that affect our overall well-being. Being aware of the need for self-care during this time helps us approach the holidays with mindfulness and intention, aiming for a stress-free experience.

Understanding ‘Christmas’ self-care

Engaging in holiday self-care involves recognizing the need to balance festive responsibilities with personal well-being, ensuring a more enjoyable and meaningful holiday experience.

Here are some tips on how you can prioritize yourself with these Christmas self-care tips:

Plan Ahead

To avoid last-minute stress, start planning for the holidays well in advance. Create a checklist in your notebook with achievable deadlines for each task, and cross them off as you complete them.

Distribute Tasks to Others

Avoid taking on all the responsibility yourself. Share responsibilities with friends and family; for example, have children take care of decorations while you handle cleaning and meals. Sharing responsibilities reduces stress.

Take Some Time for Personal Care

Personal care is an important part of self-care, and looking our best during the holidays contributes to our well-being. Treat yourself to a beauty treatment at a spa or nail salon and experience an elevated sense of rejuvenation when you look at yourself in the mirror.

Setting Boundaries

Establishing clear boundaries is crucial during the holiday season. This may involve communicating with others about realistic expectations for events, gift exchanges, and commitments. Learning to say “no” when necessary allows individuals to manage their time and energy effectively.

Mindful Enjoyment of Traditions

Embracing holiday traditions can be a source of joy, but it’s essential to do so mindfully. Rather than feeling obligated to participate in every activity, focus on those that bring genuine happiness and create lasting memories.

Balancing Social and Me-Time

Christmas often involves social gatherings, which can be both delightful and draining. Balancing time spent with loved ones and enjoying moments of solitude is essential for recharging and maintaining emotional well-being.

Financial Wellness

Acknowledging and managing financial stress during the holiday season is a crucial part of self-care. Setting a budget for gifts and festivities helps prevent overspending and potential financial strain. Start saving for your holiday expenses in advance.

Healthy Eating Habits

While indulging in festive treats is part of the holiday experience, practicing moderation and maintaining a balance with nutritious meals contributes to physical well-being. Overeating and excessive consumption of sugary or fatty foods can impact energy levels and mood. Unlock the Secrets of Healthy Eating in Our Widely Read Guide on How to Eat Healthy During the Holidays!

Rest and Relaxation

Prioritizing sufficient rest is fundamental for Christmas self-care. With the busyness of the season, it’s important to schedule downtime, whether it’s a quiet evening at home, a short nap, or a leisurely activity that brings peace.

Expressing Gratitude

The Christmas season is an excellent time to reflect on the positive aspects of life and express gratitude. Taking a moment each day to acknowledge and appreciate the blessings fosters a positive mindset.

Creative Outlets

Engaging in creative activities, such as crafting, baking, or decorating, can be therapeutic and provide a sense of accomplishment. These activities not only contribute to the festive atmosphere but also serve as outlets for self-expression and relaxation.

Connection with Others

While the holiday season can be busy, maintaining meaningful connections with friends and family is vital. Quality time spent with loved ones, whether through heartfelt conversations or shared activities, contributes to emotional well-being.

Practice stress management techniques:

Meditation, deep breathing, and other relaxation techniques can help reduce stress and anxiety during the busy holiday season. Try to take 15 minutes from your routine for meditation. Additionally, do not compromise your sleep, as it can increase stress. Make sure you get at least 8 hours of sleep in a day.

By incorporating these Christmas self-care practices, individuals can navigate the holiday season with a greater sense of balance, joy, and fulfillment. Prioritizing self-care not only enhances personal well-being but also allows individuals to bring a more authentic and positive presence to the festive celebrations.

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